Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Directory (People, Organizations and Enterprises - Nepal)
Prepared by:
Pradeepmani A. Dixit
Ram Bahadur Bhandari
Agro-Farm Forestry Association, Nepal (AFFAN)
Kathmandu, Nepal
C/o CESOD, Paryatak Marg, Yak & Yeti complex
P. O. Box 2303
Kathmandu - Nepal
This page includes the Acknowledgement, Forward and Table of Contents from the paper. The rest of the report (16,000 words) can be downloaded here as a PDF(120K) Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Directory (People, Organizations and Enterprises - Nepal)
This Directory with names, addresses and expertise of individuals, organizations institutions and government agencies have been carefully prepared after extensive survey, interaction and consultation. Every name mentioned in the directory is involved in urban and Peri Urban Agriculture (UPA) in one way or the other. This directory also includes names of those individuals or organizations who, though not involved in UPA at present can contribute to its development when they get involved in the future.
Every one we met or were contacted during the course of the preparation of the document was extremely helpful. All of them deserve our sincere thanks. We would like to express special thanks to Mr. Roger Finan, Regional Director, IDRC, South Asia Regional Office, New Delhi for his support.
We would also like to thank Dr. Madhav Karki from the same office for his guidance and encouragement throughout the preparation period of this manuscript. We want to express our thanks to Mr. Prayag Manandhar for typing the manuscript and the Tandukar brothers for helping us bring the document in the present from. We would also like to thank everyone else who helped us in the course of this work.
This is a directory of addresses of government departments, aid agencies, international and national non-governmental organizations, community based organizations, and individuals who are involved in urban and peri urban agriculture in Nepal.
Urban and peri urban agriculture does not receive the importance it deserves from the government or other donor agencies because it is mostly practiced by the poorer section of the urban population. This group own small pieces of land, practice customary farming practices and produce food to meet the needs of the family and mainly of their traditional customers.
The demand for food has increased and increased at a very brisk rate to meet the needs of the swelling population in the urban and peri urban areas. Food producers have tried to increase the production by adopting technologies and increasing inputs recommended to them by government agricultural extension services, and other development agencies. It has been observed that in many instances the recommendations have not been appropriate because the production system is specific in urban-peri-urban areas and is different from rural areas for which the technologies were developed.
During the course of information collection, we were very impressed by the dedication and hard work of groups of communities who have continued to struggle to produce more food, for the urban market. Many of them seen to understand the negative side of high, uncontrolled application of chemicals and other external inputs into the production. System but they expressed helplessness to do anything about it.
We have divided the urban and peri urban agricultural activities into twenty six sectors and identified groups and individuals who are actively involved in each.
Many UA/UPA practitioners practice a form of integrated production system, these have been grouped under their main activities, and their secondary activity is mentioned as well.
We have traveled to a number municipalities and identified concerned groups who could be effectively involved in programmes to develop UPA further in the future in these metropolitan cities and surrounding peri urban locations.
The individuals/organization mentioned in this book have achieved prominence in the UPA production system. They can be used as resource persons/institutions for technology or field demonstration to uplift UPA in Nepal.
This work was completed with a grant assistance from THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH CENTRE (IDRC), South Asia Regional Office, New Delhi, India.
1. Government Organizations (GOs)
Fax Number of Agriculture Related Offices 1
District Level Offices 10
Email Numbers of Government Offices 18
Municipalities 20
2. International NGOs Working in Nepal 25
3. List of NGOs 28
4. Organic Farming 36
5. List of CBOs 37
6. Agriculture Industries and Entrepreneurs 50
7. Registered Honey Farmers/Community Groups 52
8. Floriculture 53
9. Urban Waste Management 59
10. Food Preservation 51
11. Poultry Meat Seller 64
12. Hatchery Industries 65
13. Some Poultry Farmers of UPA of Kathmandu Valley 67
14. Some Major Agrovets, Agricultural Seeds and Equipments
Supplier of Nepal 68
15. Some Dairy Milk Products' Cooperatives Societies
Kathmandu Project 71
Lumbini Project 72
Biratnagar Project 72
Pokhara Project 73
Kohalpur Project 73
16. Name of People's Involved in UPA Activities in Nepal 74
17. Feed Industries 81
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