The United Nations University Press
(These two issues, from the 1980's, contain early reports on Urban Agriculture. - Editor, City Farmer)
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
Volume 7, Number 3,
September 1985
"This special issue on household-level food production has been edited by Vera Niñez with the support of the International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru."
Food and Nutrition Bulletin Volume 7, Number 3, September 1985
Table of contentsIntroduction: Household gardens and small-scale food production
Vera Niñez, Guest Editor, International Potato Centre, Lima, PeruWorking at half-potential: Constructive analysis of home garden programmes in the Lima slums with suggestions for an alternative approach
Vera Niñez, International Potato Centre, Lima, PeruUrban agriculture: Who cultivates and why? a case-study of Lusaka, Zambia
Bishwapriya Sanyal Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., USAThe tropical garden as a sustainable food system: A comparison of Indians and Settlers in Northern Colombia
Florence Pinton, International Centre for Environmental Research and Development (CIRED), ParisThe Chagga home gardens: A multi-storeyed agro-forestry cropping system on Mt. Kilimanjaro, Northern Tanzania
E. C. M. Fernandes, A. Oktingati, and J. Maghembe International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), Nairobi, KenyaHousehold gardens and their niche in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Daniel E. Vasey, Chairperson, Department of Sociology, Divine Word College, Epworth, Iowa, USAThe Javanese home garden as an integrated agro-ecosystem
Otto Soemarwoto, Idjah Soemarwato, Karyono, E. M. Soekartadiredja, and A. Ramlan, Institute of Ecology, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, IndonesiaThe Talun-Kebun: A man-made forest fitted to family needs
(Go to bottom of page.) Otto Soemarwato, Linda Christanty, Henky, Y. H. Herri, Johan Iskandar, Hadyana, and Prlyono, Institute of Ecology, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, IndonesiaWest Indian kitchen gardens: A historical perspective with current insights from Grenada
John S. Brierley, Department of Geography, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSubsistence gardens in Newfoundland
John T. Omohundro, State University of New York, Potsdam, N.Y., USAFood and Nutrition Bulletin
Volume 9, Number 2,
June 1987"From time to time the Food and Nutrition Bulletin has emphasized special nutrition-related issues of importance to developing countries that have been relatively neglected. Two of these, intrahousehold food distribution and household food production, were included in recent special issues. The current issue is devoted primarily to articles on another important and neglected topic, the relationship between food and the possibility and cost of producing and processing it."
Food and Nutrition Bulletin Volume 9, Number 2, June 1987
Table of contents
Introduction: Urban agriculture and self-reliance
Ignacy Sachs and Dana Silk Food-Energy Nexus Programme Area, The United Nations UniversityUrban agriculture and the metabolism of cities
(Go to bottom of page.) Tjeerd Deelstra Ecology and Planning Research Office, Delft University of Technology, Delft, NetherlandsImproving urban agriculture in Africa: a social perspective
Friedhelm Streiffeler Institut für Ethnologie der Freie Universität, BerlinExamples of urban agriculture in Asia
Yue-man Yeung Chinese University of Hong KongSmall-scale agricultural production in urban areas in Poland
Jerry Kleer University of WarsawCommunity food production in cities of the developing nations
Isabel Wade, Urban Resource Systems, Inc., San Francisco, California, USAUrban agriculture: the potential and limitations of an urban self-reliance strategy Pablo Gutman
Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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